Abnehmen mit tenses

Abnehmen mit tenses

The conjugation of abnehmen in the present tense is: ich nehme ab, du nimmst ab, er nimmt ab, wir nehmen ab, ihr nehmt ab, sie nehmen ab. For this purpose, the endings -e, -st, -t, -en, -t, -en are appended to the stem nehm. As an irregular verb in the 2nd and 3rd person singular the changed present stem nimm- is used. The prefix ab- of abnehmen is separated. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in the present tense.

Become a hero yourself by adding new translations and rating existing ones. Language : English. Voice : Active. Statal Passive. Clause : Main. Sitemap PNG DOCX Chat Examples Work sheets. Hide advertising. Present Imperfect Imperative Subjunctive I Subjunctive II Infinitive Participle. Tell us your name.

Then we can worship you here as a hero. Present Indicative Presence ich nehme ab 1st Person Singular du nimmst ab 2nd Person Singular er nimmt ab 3rd Person Singular wir nehmen ab 1st Person Plural ihr nehmt ab 2nd Person Plural sie nehmen ab 3rd Person Plural.

This site provides total 25 English word for abnehmen. PastTenses is best for checking English translation of German terms. Translate abnehmen in English.

We met in Berlin. What did he want? It rained. I gained five kilos. He ran. I fell asleep. We stayed at home. List — important verbs with sein Which verbs use sein as an auxiliary? List of the 70 most important German verbs that are conjugated with sein.

Verbs of movement with haben or sein?

Conjugation of abnehmen

Example: Er ist durch den Wald gejoggt. He jogged through the forest.

Abnehmen mit tenses

Wir sind auf den Berg geklettert. We climbed on the mountain. Ich bin zur Insel geschwommen. I swam to the island. Du bist zum Schiffswrack getaucht. You dived to the shipwreck. Example: Sie sind durch den Saal getanzt. Future tense: Ich werde ein Buch les en. I will read a book. The verb is now at the end in the infinitive basic form of the verb.

Present tense: Du trink st Milch. You drink milk. Future tense: Du wirst Milch trink en. You will drink milk. The verb trinken Übungen zum abnehmen bei älteren menschen arbeitsbuch now again at the end of the sentence in the infinitive. You can always use it when you want to say something about the future. However, in such cases we often simply use the present tense!

In 50 Jahren werden Menschen auf dem Mond leben. In 50 years, people will be living on the moon. Overview: German lessons for beginners. I know that learning a second or third language can be very difficult at first but never give up!

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The prefix ab- of abnehmen is separated. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in the present tense. Become a hero yourself by adding new translations and rating existing ones. Language : English. Voice : Active. Conjugate German verb abnehmen.

German Future Tense - Future 1 | Learn German Easily

Summary of all verb tenses for abnehmen. Clear online presentation of the verb 'ab·nehmen' including all verb. The conjugation of abnehmen in the present tense is: ich nehme ab, du nimmst ab, er nimmt ab, wir nehmen ab, ihr nehmt ab, sie nehmen ab. For this purpose. Abnehmen - Verb conjugation in German. Learn how to conjugate abnehmen in various tenses.

Present: ich nehme ab, du nimmst ab, er nimmt ab. Conjugate the German verb abnehmen in all forms and with usage examples. Abnehmen conjugation has never been easier! Past preterite tense. Ich. more on German by Marion Wallace.

Example with the verb “abnehmen” Present: Ich nehme ab Past Simple: Ich verb tenses · Deutsch Language​German.

Subordinate-clause forms of abnehmen class 4 strongauxiliary haben.